Renters Insurance in and around Merrillville
Renters of Merrillville, State Farm can cover you
Renting a home? Insure what you own.

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Home Is Where Your Heart Is
Your rented property is home. Since that is where you relax and make memories, it can be advantageous to make sure you have renters insurance, whether or not your landlord requires it. Even for stuff like your stereo, sports equipment, craft supplies, etc., choosing the right coverage can help protect you from the unexpected.
Renters of Merrillville, State Farm can cover you
Renting a home? Insure what you own.

Why Renters In Merrillville Choose State Farm
Many renters don't realize how much money they have tied up in their possessions. Your valuables in your rented apartment include a wide variety of things like your guitar, couch, bicycle, and more. That's why renters insurance can be such a good choice. But don't worry, State Farm agent Kim Fry has the experience and efficiency needed to help you examine your needs and help you insure your precious valuables.
Renters of Merrillville, visit Kim Fry's office to learn more about your individual options and the advantages of State Farm renters insurance.
Have More Questions About Renters Insurance?
Call Kimberly at (219) 769-1903 or visit our FAQ page.
Simple Insights®
Wood stove and space heater safety
Wood stove and space heater safety
Learn how to keep your family safe and warm with these recommended safety tips.
How to file a renters insurance claim
How to file a renters insurance claim
Learn how renters insurance works and how to file a claim.

Simple Insights®
Wood stove and space heater safety
Wood stove and space heater safety
Learn how to keep your family safe and warm with these recommended safety tips.
How to file a renters insurance claim
How to file a renters insurance claim
Learn how renters insurance works and how to file a claim.